The PS3 Slim looks like it could be a big hit for Sony
It looks like Sony have scored a hit with the new PS3 Slim. Sales in Japan are up to over 150,000 during the week ending 6th September. (Source Eurogamer) With sales of only 1,040 the previous week, it looks like gamers were holding off until the much rumoured release of the Slim PS3 model, before parting with their hard earned cash.
Sales in the US and UK were equally buoyant with US sales apparently up 300% and the UK up a staggering 999% over the previous week.
In similar news the Xbox 360 got a 43% boost last week due to the price cut on the Elite model of the console.
So it’s all good news going into the holiday season. It remains to be seen whether Nintendo will follow the lead of the HD console manufacturers with a similar price cut.

I’m quite sure Ninty don’t need to drop the price of the Wii just yet, and MS’s aggressive priceing is great for me! Soon I’ll feel like a 360′s worth the asking price if they carry on like this.
The slim PS3 to me though, is a bare-bones console and for what it has (ie the ammount of USB ports and SD slots etc) is now a bit pricey. Funny how the masses see it the other way around!