TGS has just started and the news is flooding in. Yakuza 4 has just had a trailer released and it looks mighty impressive. Take a look for yourselves. Yakuza 4 is set in the fictional red light area of Kamurocho, and involves the player in the shady goings on of the Japaneses mafia, Yakuza. The main difference to previous Yakuzas is the story is now made up from four separate character’s perspectives. So the player plays through as one character at a time, until they can see the whole story.
Kamurocho is also being expanded and will be more explorable than ever before with sewers, alleyways and rooftops all becoming accessible. Dating girls and visiting nightclubs will still be a big part of the game, and hopefully some new gameplay will be shown soon.

I would just like to say the following I own Yakuza 1&2 and would like to own 3&4 so Sega please hurry up and bring the out in EU or US (I’ll import them).