Let’s play a game: try to predict a single moment of this ridiculous Bayonetta trailer from Tokyo Game Show. Did you imagine doppelgangers, Joe Pesci-wannabes, family issues, bullet-catching, Matrix Reloaded-style highway combat, giant heads with wild snake tongues, lollipops, or an Assassin’s Creed-spoofing, scarf-wearing love interest?
Seriously, Bayonetta is nuts. With over three minutes of footage jam-packed with crazy set-pieces, quirky characters, and bizarre dialogue, this trailer shows a lot of promise. Like many big-budget Japanese games in recent years (Resident Evil 5 for example) it seems to descend so far into madness and absurdity that it loops back around to the top and becomes brilliant.

I’m not really sure about this game, it all sems a little over the top for me. It’s like Devil May Cry on steroids (if that’s possible) and has too much going on in it. All they need now is a bunch of stipey gnomes wearing clown shoes shooting guns that fire fairys holding bazookas that fire mince pies at you and they’ll be done!
…and maybe a concrete donkey!