You can read our review of Wet here, and you should. We wrote it. Now, how’d you like a free copy of the PS3 version? We’ve got one to give away to one lucky reader. We’re sorry to say that to earn it, you’ll need a little bit of skill. Remembering who you are and where you live won’t be enough. Take a look at the following picture:
Now what we want you to do, is to think of a humorous caption of ten words or less. Nothing rude, please. Got one? Then e mail it, along with your name and county, to [email protected] and cross your fingers. Good luck! Final date for entries Friday 9th October 2009.
Terms and Conditions
- Entrants must be over eighteen (18) years of age.
- The only prize on offer is one (1) promotional copy of ‘Wet’ compatible with the Sony PlayStation 3.
- The final date for entries is 9th October 2009. Entries received after this date will not be eligible.
- The winner will be announced on the site Monday 12th October 2009.
- One entry per person.
- UK residents only.
- Employees of Critical Gamer, and their families, are not eligible to enter.
- Submitted captions to be no more than ten (10) words long.
- Anybody found to have breached any of these terms and conditions shall have their entry/entries disqualified.
- The decision of the Critical Gamer administration in all matters pertaining to this competition is final.

just wanted to say i have a verry good caption for the wet competition but the problem is i live in spain so 2 things i can think im out strait away or iff i give an english address its will be ok?
Sorry, UK residents only, as the prize will be sent signed for Royal Mail Recorded within the United Kingdom. If you have a friend in the UK prepared to enter on your behalf however, it’s up to them what they do with the prize should they win.
i cant see why i cant put it in and put an english address for u to send it, its like iff i had 2 houses but never mind iff i cant
here is a bigger version of the image if anyone wants it!