Project Natal aims to get gamers holding conversations with their televisions (if Milo is anything to go by) and insists that “you are the controller”. But how on earth would an FPS with no control pad work? It seems that perhaps Rare are already giving this serious consideration.
The latest issue of trade weekly MCV carries a feature on first person games, and the history of their success. It is here that Rare’s head of studio Mark Betteridge is quoted as saying: “Right now our sights are trained on Natal, which is a great opportunity to break new ground with content and gameplay. It’s also an opportunity to exercise some genre evolution, so hopefully we’ll be able to develop something on that front.”
While no announcement of a game in production, it certainly tells us that Rare will be first in line for a Natal FPS, and that they’ve already been thinking about it…

Project NATAL will be the end of the ps3 in sale’s and games wise. PS3 is crap and it is for losers.
Yeah you’re an idiot.
lol @ your username
& I agree
NATAL will definately NOT end the PS3s sales. It’s just a lame attempt of Microsoft copying Nintendo again, and releasing a lame device to attract casual audiences. Though, Sony is making a motion setup too, at least it has a CONTROLLER. And all Natal is is a slightly enhanced version of the Playstation Eye, which has already been out for over a year.
Anyway, PS3 FTW, Xbox… well, go overheat or something XD
say RIP for PS3 in 2010
PS3+2010= RIP
Xbox 360 will eat the earth on 2010
I was thinking on getting a PS3 over an x-box, mostly due to them now being in a similar price range and boasting similar games (plus, the PS3 is much more pretty).
However, the Natal thing and “Milo” is exceptionally creepy. Trust the Japanese to think of it.
Where does it say that they said they are working on an FPS?
I was wondering the same thing…
It doesn’t say they are making an FPS. They just used a stupid tactic to get more hits on their site from N4G. I hate it when these small sites use cheap tactics to get people to visit their blog. Given that I’m commenting on this article (if you can call it that), it obviously worked…
Natal is just the next gimmick in gaming. I’ll stick to “normal” games. I don’t like waving my arms and legs around like a retarded 3 legged monkey while I play Perfect Dark.
Oh and PS3 has some very fine games, if you kiddies save your pocket money for a while you could probably get one.
^^^you guys are idiots. The PS3 is a great system and is even better than the 360 in some aspects. Natal wont be that good because i mean you can only do so much without a controller. and with controllers you know that only you can change what is happening in the game unlike with natal where your little brother who is mad at you can jump in front of the camera waving his arms around like a crazed maniac only to have the game throw a grenade right at your feet killing you. I’m not saying it isnt a great concept and wont be a good method but i just dont see it doing as good as it says or going as far.
Lol really a Natal only FPS made by rare, this is going to be hillarious. People enjoy the controller for FPSs changing the game at this point isnt going to be done by a company that hasnt made a good game for the last 2 generations. Bungie on the other hand might be much more successful in this area, but rare is Fail. Lol at Natal destroying PS3, really who are you kidding?
i believe that MS is relying too much on the natal basket for next year… it’ll be the 360′s undoing IF it fails… because knowing MS, after natal is released they will somehow force everyone to get it just like they did with the hdd, probably by releasing natal only AAA titles.. i just hope that doesn’t happen since i myself am not really a fan of motion control…
Project Natal will be huge. No one knows just how it will be used, but given the creativity out in development land, rest assured, someone will blow the roof off with something new using this technology. It all starts somewhere. Think about the short term evolution of gaming so far:
- Online console gaming where it started and where it is now
- Game graphics, where they started and where they are now
- Game AI, where it started and where it is now
- Motion controlling in video games, where they started… The Eye Toy, Vision Cam, Nintendo Wii took it to the next level. Project Natal will take it to the next.
You guys screaming that this is a gimmick are the same ones that laughed at the Wii. Look at where it is right now.Most people who shoot down change are usually short minded followers. Graphics will only take you so far. Great AI, new experiences and immersion is the next piece of the puzzle and I’m willing to bet, Project Natal will be the next best tool for a major step up in gaming evolution.
natal oh natal i cant wait to see you destroy the allmighty ps3dildo controller
At the risk of repeating myself, er, Ill repeat myself. Read this…..
” NATAL will definately NOT end the PS3s sales. It’s just a lame attempt of Microsoft copying Nintendo again, and releasing a lame device to attract casual audiences. Though, Sony is making a motion setup too, at least it has a CONTROLLER.”
Are you some sort of retard mate? Seriously, did you even begin to think about what you’ve just said? You really are confused ain’t ya.
Surely you mean sony has, and with little to no imagination, copied Nintendo directly? sony is DESPERATELY trying to cash in on Nintendos creativity. How can ANYONE with any reason left in thier heads say Microsoft is copying Nintendo with Natal!
Natal is GENIUS… how daring and imaginative are Microsoft being with the release of Natal! They’ve just stepped clearly into the LEAD as innovators in the gaming industry. Bravo Microsoft… you’ve just taken a HUGE step forwards for the games industry. Thank You.
NATAL will capture the publics imagination. NATAL will grab the same crowd that bought the Wii… it will sell 360’s in the millions…
GAME OVER ps3… you enjoyed a little spike in sales there buddy… but sorry mate… you’re just about to be driven over by a HUGE juggernaut… NATAL.
I am really anxious for Natal and what it has to offer! I don’t really care about the other consoles, the 360 is my system of choice this time around and Natal will only make it more fun.