Valve have announced on their Left 4 Dead blog that Left 4 Dead 2 will not be playable for most UK players until Friday. Pre-orders already have access to the game, but for everyone else they’ll have to wait until the end of the week, even when buying from Steam.
Valve cite the reason as being that copies are still arriving in stores, meaning it wasn’t possible for the UK release to happen simultaneously with the rest of the world. This might explain why it’s difficult to find local players on the matchmaking service for those of you who did pre-order.
Spotted at RockPaperShotgun

I pre-purchased it on Steam and I played it on Tuesday but it did have some lag but then when Steam Client updated and L4D2 updated it has been fine since then but I haven’t tried today?
You should be fine, except for the fact the majority of players won’t be from the UK, because of the slight delay/confusion.