More figures from Nintendo’s favourite music, video and software performance and tracking company, GfK Chart-Track, reveal that the DS has sold 10 million units in the UK, bringing Nintendo even closer to world domination.
By these figures it is suggested that one in six people in the UK now own a DS since its release in March 2005. Nintendo is understandably gloating that it pushed the previous record holder off the winner’s podium with their console that has been on sale for five years, as opposed the old champion being available for nine.
Nintendo are convinced that their winning strategy has been down to their Touch Generations range of software that ‘has resonated strongly with people of all ages, extending its appeal to a non-traditional gaming audience’.
It’s hardly surprising that the DS has sold so many units as it has so many titles that do not necessarily appeal to core gamers, but still manages to flourish. With ‘games’ such as Cooking Mama and 100 Classic Book Collection doing so well, it’s a real shame to see a gamer focussed title like GTA Chinatown Wars flounder in a vast seas of games.
