Comments on: Blue Toad Murder Files (episode one): review
Thu, 30 Jun 2011 11:09:09 +0000hourly1By: half_empty80
half_empty80Wed, 30 Dec 2009 13:57:22 +0000 everyone replays through games. At only £6 it's worth one play through I would say.Not everyone replays through games. At only £6 it’s worth one play through I would say.
]]>By: Marcus Nordstrom
Marcus NordstromThu, 24 Dec 2009 10:56:33 +0000 can you give a game with no replay-value whatsoever 4/5. Because I hope you replayed it an realized that the riddles are exactly the same. Infact if you miss a riddle the game tells you how you were supposed to solve it, so next tima just follow the directions. Why waste money on a game you can only experience once?How can you give a game with no replay-value whatsoever 4/5. Because I hope you replayed it an realized that the riddles are exactly the same. Infact if you miss a riddle the game tells you how you were supposed to solve it, so next tima just follow the directions. Why waste money on a game you can only experience once?