At Sony’s GDC 2010 press conference the final name of their motion controller was revealed along with a slew of games. The aptly named Playstation Move will retail later this year for under $100 and will include one controller unit, one Playstation Eye, and an unannounced game. The Move will also be sold without the Playstation Eye and in an upcoming PS3 bundle.
Along with the announcement came a slew of game demos including popular retail games like Little Big Planet and SOCOM 4. Little Big Planet for Playstation Move will allow players to alternate between platforming as Sackboy or manipulating the environment via a cursor. While it was shown as more of a co-op experience in the demo, there’s a lot of potential for improved level creation via the Move controller.
SOCOM 4 was shown via live demonstration using the Playstation Move in conjunction with an additional controller. This extension featured additional buttons, an analog stick, and it was announced that it would be sold separately. As for the game itself, it looked early but solid, with some basic action and somewhat destructible environments. It was stated that the game could be played with or without the Playstation Move.
Also on display were a slew of smaller games that should look familiar to anyone who has played Wii Sports. There was archery, golf, table tennis, and a simple fighting game, not to mention the familiar visuals of a happy family jumping around in front of their couch.
One of the more unique functions of the Playstation Move is its mix of motion control and the Eye Toy. Move Party, a simple mini-game collection, matches the camera eye with the colored tip of the Move controller, allowing the game to display players on-screen holding tennis rackets and fly swatters. An Eye Pet game offered similar functionality squarely aimed at a younger demographic.
Lastly, Motion Fighters, another live demonstration, gives players the chance to participate in a motion-controlled fighting game. It seemed to require two Move controllers, and while some of the grapple moves looked fun, like most the demos shown, it was clearly still in an early state.
In many ways, the Playstation Move feels like Sony playing catch-up with the Wii rather than offering something new. Still, the integration into full-scale games like Little Big Planet and SOCOM is an exciting step towards the potential future of motion controlled games.
