In what continues to be one of the messiest break ups in gaming history, Activision’s Infinity Ward has seen more key staff members quit their jobs amidst continued cries of subterfuge on one side and unpaid dues on the other. Amongst the latest batch include two key level designers, a lead programmer and a specialist that all worked on Modern Warfare 2 and brings the number of departed to the (current) grand total of twenty five.
It isn’t confirmed at this point where the latest leavers will end up, but it is highly likely that they will follow in the footsteps of those before them and join Jason West and Vince Zampella at Respawn Entertainment, which has recently teamed up with Activision’s rival EA in a partnership deal.
Though it may be the gaming equivalent of spying on the latest Peter/Jordan divorce details in Heat magazine, we’re sure this isn’t the end just yet – especially once the court proceedings begin.
(Source: Kotaku)
