If you needed an indication of just how long EVE Online has been going, perhaps this is it. The release of the Tyrannis Expansion in conjunction with the EVE Gate social networking platform marks the thirteenth major update for subscribers to the space based MMORPG.
EVE’s Senior Producer, Torfi Frans Olafsson said of the release: “Having watched EVE grow for seven years, we’ve found [that to] make the game more interesting we give more power to the players. You don’t have to be Sarah Connor to prefer empowering humans over well programmed machines. In Tyrannis we deepen the experience by handing over control of commodity production on planet surfaces and providing tools for collaboration in EVE Gate.”
The expansion will allow over 65,000 planets to be claimed by players using the Planetary Interaction system. Currently players can already begin scouting out planets and training in relevant skills, but it will not be until June 8th that buildings used for processing and exporting resources and refined goods can be placed on the surface.
For more information on this expansion or EVE Online in general head over here. You can view EVE Gate here.
