The first big news from this years E3 is in and most of it is to do with the hardware formerly known as Project Natal. The motion sensing control system for the Xbox 360 has been given the new moniker of Kinect, which seems to be the amalgamation of the words connect and kinetic into a brand new word!
Exciting stuff indeed, along with the re-naming Microsoft have taken the opportunity to announce a number of titles we can expect to be Kinecting with later this year, such as the imaginatively titled Kinect Sports, Kinect Adventure and Your Shape: Fitness Evolved. These early announced titles generally seem to be aimed at a casual or family market and may seem a Wii bit familiar to any Nintendo fans out there.
However an as yet untitled Star Wars game too was demoed, the more cynical amongst us might glance hawk-eyed at the above video and suggest that it looks a bit like a bloke miming along to a video of a game.
