Last week, I wrote an article regarding the connection between videogame consoles and computers, and the war in the Congo – more specifically, people’s reactions to an article in Kotaku on the subject. Now, I am able to offer you a chance to show that you care.
I chose to treat the subject of ‘conflict minerals’ – in this case, minerals mined to fund the widespread rape and murder in the Congo – as more than something to update the site with one day. I contacted the international charity Oxfam with a view to supporting an existing online petition on the subject, and they kindly pointed me in the direction of Raise Hope For Congo. As part of their campaigning, RHFC have set up an online form where you can, with just one click of a mouse button, tell Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo that you want them to ensure their machines contain no minerals from conflict zones.
It needs no more than thirty seconds of your time, if that – though you can personalise the message sent in the e mail if you wish. All you have to do is give your name and address, and click a button. That’s it.
The form is currently US-centric, but I live in the UK and I’ve filled it out. Simply mark ‘State/Province’ as ‘Other’. RHFC have told me that “We’re working to fix the functionality of the webform to make it more accessible for activists outside of the U.S.”.
Conflict minerals are not unique to videogame products, and RHFC are well aware of this. This is why your message will be sent to the 21 biggest electronics companies, the list of which includes Apple, Nokia, Samsung, IBM, and LG (as well as, of course, Sony Ericsson, Microsoft, and Nintendo).This is the link you need; if the link doesn’t work on your browser/device, then please copy and paste it into your browser:
It’s not your fault that you own devices which have, in part, funded the horrors in the Congo – and believe me, the sad truth is that you do own such devices. But wouldn’t you rather be part of the solution than part of the problem?
To find out more about who Raise Hope For Congo are, what they do and why they do it, visit
