FirstPlay, the weekly interactive PlayStation magazine available exclusively on the UK PSN, is actually quite good. We were impressed by the beta and decided that they’d improved things still further in the first proper episode. Just 99p a shot, or £8.99 for a three month subscription. Fairly cheap, eh? But it may be set to become even cheaper; free.
The catch (oh yes, of course there is) is that FirstPlay will only be free to PlayStation Plus users. So says our secret agent, who gained this information by reading diaries hidden under the beds of FirstPlay team members. Possibly. The bottom line is however that he tells us FirstPlay is set to become free to PlayStation Plus subscribers “soon”.
If you take a look at your PSN friends list, you will almost certainly find that the vast majority are not signed up to Plus. Will FirstPlay be enough to bump those numbers up in the UK? With the occasional free mini or exclusive demo/in – game item (not to mention the fact that it’s nothing like Qore, e.g. it’s not crap), perhaps.
A spokesperson for Future, said:
“There are currently no plans for FirstPlay to become part of Sony’s PlayStation Plus subscription service.”

Just a heads up, The cross over image on the top banner is not aligned.
Oh and don’t judge the consumption rate of plus solely on the basis of ‘your’ friend list. The idea makes sense though, as it was one of the higher requested features on the Scee blog.
FirstPlay is independently run. I’ve no idea how the FirstPlay team would make their money if it was free to PS Plus members.
That’s RUBBISH! Can someone please tell me if the content for being on Plus has changed, coz it looks like it’s been the same for ages? I like FirstPlay and paid the 8.99 for it, I’d be annoyed if they did give it away for zilch-o with Plus, I’ve no plans for Plus yet.