My GF Playing Red Dead: “It won’t let me go over there!?”
Me: “That’s because the game world dosen’t go any further”
My GF: “But I want to see that thing over there!”
Me; “Yes but, there’s an invisible wall there, that’s where the game world ends so…”
My GF: “But why is there a wall there if you can see past it, it LOOKS like you can go over there!”
Me: “Just turn around, you can’t get any further”
My GF: “But…”
And so on. The other issue is control and while Move and Kinect SAY they’re easier to use, to a casual player configuring calibrations is just as much a needless hassle as learning buttons. I have recently been playing Fallout 3 on the PC using mouse and keyboard as control for the first time ever, and after sticking with it for the last two weeks I’ve now just stopped bothering with it until my 360 to PC pad is delivered because I just can’t funtion properly! I’m running side-ways off cliffs, banging into furniture, bringing up menu screens in the middle of fights and generally playing like a drunken hobo with only one arm. So, I now deeply undrestand why games are still hard to get into for first-timers. Great article Grump!