Who wants some videogames? We do, you do, the people down the street do. Even that bloke who works the till at the supermarket. You know, the one with the funny eye who sounds a bit like Kermit the Frog; he wants some videogames too. Well, Canada’s Department of National Defence also wants some games – 500 of them. Eh, what?
As reported at GamePolitics, Canadian publication The Star has revealed that Canada’s military has put in a hefty order for videogames. “It’s a strange one” Captain Sandra Bourne, who couldn’t or wouldn’t provide a more detailed explanation, admitted to them. If you click here to view the tender request you will see that, much to our amusement, “The delivery is requested ASAP”. So which games are they so desperate to get their hands on?
Predictably perhaps, shooters feature heavily. Gears of War is top of the pops, with 93 copies requested. The two Modern Warfare games combined make up 82 of the games on the list. It seems that nobody wanted Black Ops though; Canada’s army all doubtless read our review and decided that the Infinity Ward titles would be a safer bet.
More hippy friendly games have also been requested, such as Guitar Hero 3 and Rock Band 2. Even Tiger Woods 2011; perhaps after his fall from grace, they’re expecting the latest incarnation to be some kind of cross between Burnout and the infamous GTA ‘Hot Coffee’ minigame…

Nice News! Hey, they should just order 500 copies of Flower, then trade in their guns for flutes, swap their boots for sandals and scrap their tanks for VW vans…