If shoddy gaming blogs are the turds on the pavement of journalism, then ‘Top X’ lists are the bits of sweetcorn which make such turds easier to spot. We abhor lists such as ‘Top 10 Videogame Babes’ or ‘Top 10 Best/Worst Games Released In The Last Six Weeks’. So why are we publishing, for the first time ever, a top 20?
Well first of all, this list has been compiled not by us, but by the good people over at Wikio (where gaming is just one subject covered, alongside politics, literature, music, and much more). Think N4G, but with credibility. Secondly, when a site used by companies as huge as the BBC credits us with influence, well… it’d be rude not to spread the good news.
The following list is the Wikio top 20 ‘most influential’ blogs in the UK and Irish gaming ‘blogospheres’. To view the full top 50, as well as further information on how they compile the list, click here. At time of writing, CG is one place further down the list on the site, as this is a preview version of the most up to date rankings. But this should be updated “soon”.
That’s more than enough self congratulatory backslapping. Thanks most of all to you, our readers. Hopefully, we’ll see you further up the top soon!

Critical gamer is a blog I started reading recently, helping a friend building his own gaming blog. It is definitely interesting even for someone who is not a keen gamer like me. Has a lot to say from blogging perspective.
Thanks for sharing the list of gaming blogs.