Yes! No! Sort of! Okay, here’s the deal:
West Coast Review, published by Wyvex Media, is a free magazine delivered to around 10,000 addresses across the West coast of Scotland. The latest issue – which is due to start falling through letterboxes within the next week or two – boasts a new gaming section, provided by… Critical Gamer.
There are to be found therein two reviews originally published at this here website, edited slightly for length. Of course, this magazine is not available to all our readers; but the online version is available now, and can be viewed either under the publications banner at The Oban Times website, or directly here. You can virtually turn the pages and everything!
This is currently only a temporary arrangement, but negotiations are underway to make us a permanent fixture. Rest assured we shall boast loudly if it comes to pass that we hog those precious column inches in each and every issue. Our plans for world domination are one step closer to fruition; watch this space…