As many millions of gamers will be aware – Sony’s troubles have yet to come to an end and the Playstation Network remains offline. After making the mistake of giving an estimated time frame of last week for the return of at least some of the functionality of PSN and Qriocity, the passing of that deadline has resulted in a new estimation of ‘as soon as possible’.
While players may be feeling like the worst hit by this extended outage of all online capabilities of the PS3 and no access to any MMORPG which runs through the SoE service, it is in fact publishers who are fearing the worst.
The senior vice president of Capcom has spoken out against the attacks on Sony’s systems (source: Kotaku) and stated that it has already caused a revenue deficit that may be in the millions of dollars for the company. Meanwhile, SOCOM: Special Forces remains trapped in purgatory having been released the day before the attacks.
Perhaps worst of all is the long term effects this will have both on Sony’s credibility and position in the market. With the likes of Brink being released around the world this week having such a heavy slant on online play, it is very clear that customers may drift to a different format rather than wait an unspecified amount of time.

It sure is a pickle! As you might already know I’m not that big on MP myself, but I do use a lot of the other online things the PS3 has. I’m just glad the browser still works otherwise I’d still be using my Wii just now. Anyway, I’m sure there’s a lot of companies feeling the loss, but, I just can’t muster any sympathy for them… weird huh!?
I’m looking forward to the next AC game, so I’m using this time to back to the very start and see if there are any story hints I might have missed the fisrt time around. I do feel sorry for those with a CoD addiction right now though.
It’s a nightmare I have to say. I do miss my online sessions on Battlefield Bad Company 2 and Need For Speed Hot Pursuit. I hear a lot of people are trading in their PS3′s for 360′s to placate their COD habit. Why anyone would trade in their console to start COD online from scratch is beyond me, especially with so many great single player games out at the mo, and LA Noire arriving imminently..
Yeah but CoD is addictive! I dunno about trading in though, where LA Noire is concerned I’d rather have just one disc as opposed to three. I don’t think I’ve changed a “disc” since Monkey Island on the Amiga!
Aye I don’t care what they say, disc swapping is a right pain, and ruins any immersion in a game. I remember Beneath a Steel Sky came on several discs (9 or more I think!) What a nightmare that was.
You know, I used this PSN breakdown to complete some single player modes on PS3, but also used to catch up with my Xbox and even my Wii. I think all consoles should have a timeout one month per year on a rotational basis……
Too true Steven. I completed Vanquish and Assassins Creed Brotherhood, while PSN is being rebuilt. I’m all set for LA Noire next week as well. Plenty to keep me occupied.