The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is widely agreed to be one of the greatest videogames of all time. That’s certainly the opinion of almost everybody at CG, and it’s easy to see why Nintendo gave the game some spit, polish, and 3D shiny magic for the 3DS. It allows a whole new generation of gamers to enjoy this classic!
Presuming that generation didn’t get hold of a secondhand N64 with a copy of the game. Or a GameCube with The Wind Waker, which came with a bonus disc carrying Ocarina of Time. Or just the bonus disc, which will work in the Wii. Or, er, the WiiWare download. Anyway.
Unsurprisingly, the game sold very well, debuting at number two in the UK all formats chart. It probably doesn’t hurt that the 3DS has recently been spotted on these shores for prices as low as the Dsi XL’s RRP. That said however the game slid down to sixth place this week, and is looking rather lonely; being as it is the only 3DS exclusive in the top twenty (as reported in MCV). We’ve now seen proof that 3DS games can smash into the charts; why isn’t it happening more often? Fingers crossed that Nintendo take note of how successful their ‘hardcore’ games can still be.
