It’s time for another episode of Critical Gamer’s very own podcast, Critical Talk, and you’re invited! Stephen’s in the hosting seat again and is positively delighted to have Luke, Matt, and Anthony along for the ride.
- Remember the youthful days of the past as we reminisce about our Retro Game of the Occasion, Diddy Kong Racing!
- Widen your eyes in awe at our witty five word game reviews!
- Pound your fist in hearty agreement as we discuss the criminal lack of badgers in today’s videogames!
You won’t be able to pluck the headphones from your engrossed ears until you’ve listened to every last second of Critical Talk Episode 3. Click here to download or play it right away!
The music was created by Steven (with a “V” mind you)– except for the Mega Man Zero 4 song and that bit about Mr. Poo.
If you’d like clarification on the ‘conflict minerals’ issue briefly discussed at the end, you can start by reading the relevant Kotaku article here. You can then read our interview with Raise Hope For Congo here.

Great podcast guys, I really enjoyed listening in. Those 5 word game reviews were brilliant, particularly the Heavy Rain one.
Any idea when the next one will be?
Well thank you, glad you enjoyed it!
We’re currently planning to shout at one another again this weekend and record the results; hopefully, the next podcast will be up on the site late next week, or the week after at the latest.