It looks like the Eat Sleep Play virtual scrapyard will fill up fast if the latest Twisted Metal trailer is anything to go by. The new trailer shows us everyone’s favourite chainsaw wielding motorcyclist Mr Grimm getting stuck into the extreme fender bending incidents the series inspires.
Two specific weapons are shown off; the Flame Saw and the Reaper Rocket. Both do a lot more than scuff the paint, but you wouldn’t expect anything less from an RPG and a projectile chainsaw.
The gameplay trailer gives us a good idea of what to expect from the game, with a few glimpses of other characters getting the motor oil kicked out of them by Mr Grimm.
You could try to emotionally blackmail/convince your partner to pick up Twisted Metal for you next year when it is released on Valentine’s Day, or simply pick it up for yourself on February 14 if you don’t celebrate that sort of thing.

I used to love playing Twisted Metal with my Grandad back in those long lost PS1 days. Hopefully this will be as much fun as I remember it being back then.
I have to wonder if the mindless destruction of that ferris wheel was necessary though. Such a shame…