Guild Wars 2 will be opening its doors for an open beta test in March according to ArenaNet founder and president, Mike O’Brien. This will then pave the way for the game’s release later this year.
Writing on the ArenaNet blog, Mr O’Brien said: “We recently finished our first closed beta test, and we’re now ready to hold progressively larger events. In February we’ll invite select press to participate in beta testing, and in March and April we’ll aggressively ramp up the size of our beta test events so that many of you will have a chance to participate. And of course, this all leads to the release of Guild Wars 2 later this year.”
This April will mark seven years since the release of the original Guild Wars title in 2005. The sequel promises to shake up the genre and try something new. To quote Mr O’Brien again, “let’s usher out old thinking – the tired old quest model, stiff repetitive combat, and monthly fees – and usher in the new.” That sounds good to us.
Spotted on ArenaNet blog
