Drawing comparisons between real life and the next Tom Clancy game, former Navy Seal Richard ‘Mack’ Machowicz narrates the latest trailer for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier.
We get a look at a handful of the new gadgets which stack the odds in the ghosts’ favour, including optical camouflage which makes each soldier near invisible, even in broad daylight. Also shown off is a marking system that identifies enemy locations on your HUD and makes simultaneous headshots easier.
Plenty of third-person shooting and neck snapping action is also thrown into the mix, just for good measure. The trailer is the first of a three part series of videos titled ‘Believe in Ghosts’, each one detailing aspects of the game that draw inspiration from real life scenarios.
Look out for Ghost Recon: Future Soldier on PS3 and Xbox 360 on May 24 in Europe. A PC version will release sometime, but there’s no indication of a release date as of yet.
