No longer content with sitting alone in a room and typing things about videogame music, I’ve invited one of the super cool people who actually compose said videogame music to join me in this third episode of No Tune Unturned. Matt “Chainsaw” Chaney, Supreme High Commander of Audiological Endeavours at Twisted Pixel Games, was kind enough to talk with me about character-based music, guitar lessons that led to falling ten feet onto concrete, and– inevitably– donuts. Educate yourself on Chainsaw history and have a listen; you’re guaranteed to have one or two rad songs stuck in your head by the end.
If you happen to know the perfect musical topic to cover or composer to interview, the “Leave a Reply” section below and our Twitter account (@Critical_Gamer) would both be superb places to let me know. And above all else, remember this:
Videogame music is great, so listen to it!
Music included:
Whistle While You Work – The Gunstringer
Donuts, Go Nuts – ‘Splosion Man
Wavy Tube Man Battle – The Gunstringer
We’ve Got a Bond – The Gunstringer
It’s Brad – Comic Jumper
Point of Impact – Chainsaw
All of these songs can be found on Twisted Pixel’s website, save for “Point of Impact” which is part of Chainsaw’s solo album.

Very slightly related to the topic, and I haven’t listened to the feature (yet). But I’ve recently started watching Cowboy Bebop and the soundtrack to that is simply incredible. Sorry, I know this is really loosely relevant.