Continue the fight for the galaxy with the Mass Effect 3 Rebellion Pack multiplayer DLC, releasing over the next couple of days on all platforms for free.
The accompanying trailer shows off some of the new features including six new classes: the Male Quarian Engineer and Infiltrator, Vorcha Soldier and Sentinel, and Ex-Cerberus Adept and Vanguard.
Also included are two new maps: Firebase Goddess and Firebase Jade. Goddess is set on Thessia, the Asari homeworld, whereas Jade takes place in a Salarian STG base on Sur’Kesh.
Joining the current mission objectives presented on waves three, six and ten is a new task that asks players to retrieve a package and escort it to a designated location.
Finally, we’re getting a wave of new gear with three new weapons and an equipment slot that will hold new, persistent items that do not expire after a match ends.
The Rebellion Pack will be available on Xbox Live, Origin and the North American PSN sometime today, while European PSN users will get the update tomorrow.
