The magic of 21st Century gaming. What better reason to buy an Xbox 360 than to shout across the room at your TV, having your voice commands recognised precisely fifty percent of the time as you struggle to match the exact inflections used by videogame QA testers? This crazy ‘microphone’ idea could only possibly be improved if there were, one day, some way to shrink the device and perhaps even keep it safely and securely in close proximity to one’s mouth.
If you don’t already own a Kinect, then (1) you are clearly a fool, and (2) if you live in America, a big chunk has been knocked off the RRP to tempt you further (as first announced at Major Nelson’s blog). The chunky microphone (with camera lens decorations) has had its official price dropped from $149.99 to $109.99. This begs the question – what the hell are you waiting for? Well, perhaps a price drop in your region if you’re not in America; Australia and New Zealand will see bargains of their own October 4th, but there are “no price drop plans” for Europe or Japan. No comment was made regarding ‘sinister world domination plans’. And why would such a comment be made? No reason. No reason. Forget we said anything. We know nothing.
We’re joking, of course. We’re well aware that the Kinect microphone has a built-in camera. Why not buy one to enjoy the Mars Rover Landing game, which is completely free to download? Pretend you’re a NASA technician remotely landing the Mars Rover on an alien world, by shuffling from left to right and waving your arms about. You may wear a shirt with the top button undone and eat peanuts if you wish.
