After being largely considered an also-ran for many years, Rayman really came into his own with last year’s critically-acclaimed Rayman Origins. Check our very own review to see why. With sales looking distinctly lacklustre before widespread, ruthless price cutting across all formats, a sequel looked unlikely – until Wii U exclusive Rayman Legends was announced. A demo was due on launch day, but was conspicuous by its absence without explanation. But now, good friends, it has finally arrived in the eShop.
Offering three levels to be enjoyed by a maximum of five players (one essentially playing the part of a benevolent god for the other four via the gamepad), the demo gives you a taste of what to expect when the game goes on sale next year. We urge you to try it and make your own minds up. In case Nintendo’s bizarre setup doesn’t make things clear, follow this path from the eShop front page: Demos-Rayman Legends, details-download demo. As there’s not much more to say about the fact that a demo is now available to download, here are some painfully obvious Rayman jokes:
He looks armless enough!!
Maybe he’s been consuming vast amounts of alcohol, he’s legless!!
Give the demo a go, there’s no arm in trying!!
Boy, we glove making these puns!!
And so on and, indeed, so forth.
