Telltale has yet another Episodic Adventure series on its way and this time it’s the long awaited Game of Thrones that they teased a few months back, and it’s brought a teaser of the video kind with it. As it’s a Telltale game you can be sure of a few things; it’ll have lots of big decisions and cliffhangers, lots of characters to talk to from the series, and long delays between episodes. Oh and this season is going to be a whole six episodes long; so if they keep to a monthly schedule (like previous games), it may all release within a year if you’re lucky.
Other than the delays you can look forward to other things more Games of Thrones-ey than Telltale-ey. This time round you’ll be controlling not one, but five members of House Forrester, simultaneously! Ok, not simultaneously but you will get to wander round as each of the five characters at some point. Peter “That wizard came from the moon” Dinklage will also be lending his vocal talents to the game alongside Lena Heady, Natalie Dormer and Iwan Rheon and “Additional cast members” in later episodes.
More solid information is on its way, sooner rather than later hopefully but for the moment you can enjoy the little tease they’ve put together.
