Do you like laughing? Do you like that warm, fuzzy feeling you get inside when you do A Good Thing? In that case, you’re going to want to buy In Memory: A Tribute to Sir Terry Pratchett, which combines the two rather nicely. It’s an anthology of short stories, not a game, but you know what? 100% of profits will be going to Alzheimer’s Research UK, so we’ll carry on chatting about it; and we also have a vested interest, in a way.
In Memory consists of seventeen original (and very funny) short stories by seventeen authors, a mixture of published and unpublished writers from nine different countries. That’s sixteen extremely talented people – and, for some reason, our very own Luke Kemp. He won’t be making a penny from book sales, and nor will any of the other authors. Remember, all profits go to charity, and our insider information tells us that there is some genuinely hilarious stuff in there. Basically, you should totally buy this.
You can pre-order the ebook (released on October 31st) at Amazon UK for the bargain price of just £3.29, and at Amazon US for the equally bargainriffic $4.99. A paperback release is also planned, which we’ll shout about once details are set in stone. Now come on; great humorous fiction, a tiny price, supporting research into Alzheimer’s disease. Why on earth would you not buy this?
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