Remember the Nintendo Wii? Of course you do, everyone and your dog owns one. It is the little white (or now black) box that couldn’t satisfy you if you had the nerve to consider yourself “proper hardcore.” That’s a half-truism. Every now and then a more mature game with a different target audience than what the Wii generally caters to is...
E3: Sonic Colors Preview
Neither Sonic Team nor Sega have been good friends with the Sonic loving side of the gaming community these past ten years. Countless times Sega has ignored what the fans have been asking for, and because of this, we’ve seen Sonic sales continue to dwindle with each and every release. Sales have become so infinitesimal that they are now almost...
E3: Puzzle Agent Preview
In keeping with Telltale Games’ distribution method of downloadable episodic content, Nelson Tethers: Puzzle Agent, is set to steal your bandwidth later this month. The mission of Puzzle Agent is to unravel the story of Scoggins, Minnesota, a small town featuring a very Twin Peaks style weirdness – plus Telltale’s traditional comedic beats and...
E3: End Of Nations Preview
Take the familiar formula of a real-time strategy game. Take the ingredients from any massively multi-player RPG. Now put them in a locked, dark closet for a couple hours. Well, if they were people, you’d have a baby nine months later. In the world of game development, however, it’s been 5 years. 5 years, Trion has spent developing this enticing...
E3: Ghost Recon Future Soldier Preview
Future Soldier looks to be another stand-out title in a strong year for Ubisoft. Taking an already established brand and making it something even more special isn’t easy, but that is, quite frankly, Ubisoft’s modus operandi. Ghost Recon has been around for many years now, and has achieved success by taking a popular genre, the third person shooter,...