The value of gaming > the value of human lives

What would it take to make you think about the fact that your gaming hobby might be contributing to real world suffering? An anonymous claim that the factory workers who make your discs are criminally underpaid? Reports of iphone factory – style suicides? Or how about this one, which there is reason to believe may be true: That your gaming consoles contain...

Gaming: The Antisocial Hobby

Gaming: The Antisocial Hobby

Jun 30, 2010

If we were to take what the general media say as gospel about computer games, then we’d all be goths and emos with an unhealthy fascination with guns, death and grievous bodily harm. The fear of games and the incentives they carry has been around since their creation and as all parents “know”, their children are unable to make informed choices, are...

A Link To The Past

A Link To The Past

Jun 21, 2010

For those who are passionate about video games there are few genres that elicit quite the same level of contempt as the much maligned ‘edutainment’ game. This is not without good reason. Although most would be unable to recall the last time they purchased a product bearing that phrase that promises only half of what it suggests, we have undoubtedly tried at...

The 3DS can’t fail

If I wasn’t certain about it before E3 there isn’t any room left for doubt; the 3DS will be the most successful handheld of all time. Barring worldwide sterility, extraterrestrial invasion or all-out nuclear warfare (which may happen if North Korea are eliminated from the World Cup), the 3DS looks well placed to become an unqualified success. If it isn’t...

Secondary Gaming: The Rise of Let’s Plays

To quote one of our generation’s most eloquent and internationally recognised thinkers on the medium of video games, the Angry Video Game Nerd; “What’s the most important part about any game? Well, being able to fucking play it.” This makes sense. A game needs to be played to fulfil its purpose as a game, even if many games nonchalantly redefine what...

An armchair view of E3 2010: Sony

Sony Conference: June 15th 8:00pm GMT Predictions going in: a little hard to judge this time. The new subscription level of PSN played up like it’s a good thing is probably a given. Other than that? I’m curious how down played the failure of the PSP Go will be or if they’ll take their lumps and just admit it. Please don’t be as Move...
