Glitchspace: Hands-On

Glitchspace: Hands-On

Sep 9, 2014

Glitchspace excites me mentally. I love the idea of programming but didn’t really have the capacity to learn it or use it meaningfully. Glitchspace uses semi-simple coding/mathematical terms and lets you play around with them to a certain degree. It’s still early access but is highly promising, in a way that made me play it through in its current...

Nosgoth Hands-On

Nosgoth Hands-On

Aug 28, 2014

Nosgoth has come and gone with its Steam free weekend, and it’s showing off a game that is pretty much going to be filled with Free to Play nonsense – something I’m personally not bothered by much.  On the surface, it also carries the Legacy of Kain license in a very similar way to the Shadowrun shooter we had around the late noughties – though they...

Crypt of the Necrodancer: a rhythm roguelike hands-on

Crypt of the Necrodancer: a rhythm roguelike hands-on

Aug 19, 2014

  Roguelike and rhythm aren’t two words you’re probably accustomed to hearing in the same sentence, much less applied to the same subject. It’s a wildly disparate combination of two genres that have seen little in the way of experimentation, but it’s one that forthcoming Crypt of the Necrodancer looks like pulling off with little to...

Hands-On: Wii U Indies

Hands-On: Wii U Indies

Aug 7, 2014

Swords & Soldiers 2 Adam: Swords & Soldiers 2 is to Starcraft 2 as Awesomenauts is to League of Legends: A scrolling 2D take on the genre that is surprisingly just as good! I really liked how engaging the mechanics were as I darted about the 2D map, tracking my units, resources, and enemies while ensuring I was researching and building enough to keep me...

Hands-On: More Nintendo Games (again) And Top 5 of the event

Hands-On: More Nintendo Games (again) And Top 5 of the event

Aug 4, 2014

Mario Vs. Donkey Kong Adam: I’m mad that I didn’t even see this there. I love Mario Vs. Donkey Kong. I am a real sucker for adorable aesthetics, and Mario Vs. Donkey Kong’s looks fantastic rendered at the higher definition granted by the Wii U. Of particular note is the incredibly cute wind-up Donkey Kong that tosses the Mini-Marios through the...

Hands-On: Coming Soon To 3DS

Hands-On: Coming Soon To 3DS

Jul 23, 2014

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Adam: My experience with Monster Hunter is very limited, so I can’t speak on any major changes made. I was impressed with the methodical gameplay though, it seems like it could really reward planning in the full game as each piece of equipment offers such varied strategy and execution. For example, we were put up against a large...
