Forum launch and competition
July 26, 2010 by Ian D
Filed under Critical News
To help commemorate the launch of our official forums we will be running a small competition for all our members.
Beta key giveaway: Craft of Gods
February 14, 2010 by Snezana N
Filed under Critical News
‘Craft of Gods’ is an upcoming MMORPG based on Slavic mythology. It takes place in Akvilon, where good and evil battle each other. You can either play for the good guys, the bad guys, or decide to stay neutral. CoG is filled with huge, impressive monstersand interesting new features that grab your attention.. like being able to ride a cow.
Win a high end gaming PC
February 2, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, PC
Want a high end mega gaming PC but don’t want the high end mega gaming bill to explain to your significant other? There may be a way to help you.