Console Gamer till I die?
The first thing I’d like to do in this article is shamelessly plug the recently launched CG forum, which you can find at or by clicking the ‘forum’ link at the top of the page. There is a reason; this was originally going to be a post in said forum, until I realised I had too much that I wanted to say (as is, unfortunately for those that know me, so often the case). The second thing I’d like to do here is mention what I originally said in the forum, which has led to this article. Sadly for me, telling you this will have the side effect of making you hate me. Are you ready?
I really liked Deus Ex: Invisible War.
Console Christmas
I hate this time of year. I’m the kind of guy who thinks fairy lights are a waste of electricity and that anyone wanting to play Santa in a shopping centre is a danger to children. If there is one small, tiny, minuscule benefit to Christmas it is that it’s a perfect time to get into gaming.
Undead Labs announces new console MMOZ
November 23, 2009 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News
Massively multiplayer online zombie game announced by newly founded games studio, Undead Labs.
Grumpy Gurevitz: Hard Times With My Hard Drive
So, the other day I decided that I needed a new, larger, hard drive for my PS3 and seeing the price of 500gb drives had fallen to a point where it was a ‘no brainer’ I went and purchased one from my local PC World. Incidentally I only ever go to PC World for impulse buys…