MCM Expo wants to break Guinness World Record with your help
May 13, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, DS/DSi, Nintendo
Breaking Guinness World Records is always fun, especially if it involves playing games and snatching the title away from another nation.
Nintendo by the numbers, 3DS the solution?
May 7, 2010 by Les T
Filed under Critical News, DS/DSi
The launch of Nintendo’s fifth iteration of Nintendo DS consoles, 3DS, promises 3D viewing without glasses as the future of Nintendo.
Sonic Classic Collection: review
March 22, 2010 by Luke K
Filed under DS/DSi, Latest Reviews, Reviews
The most important question is: how good a job does the compilation do? Official emulations tend to be lazy and, in the case of compilations, bafflingly random.