Ubisoft: Avatar interview
November 23, 2009 by Luke K
Filed under Features, Interviews
“We really wanted to get a very good game! That’s what we wanted the most. It is a movie experience, but it’s also a really good game in its own right; it tells its own story as well.”
Joe Danger: Hello Games interview
November 16, 2009 by Luke K
Filed under Features, Interviews
“I could put whatever I want on the website! I could insult anyone if I wanted to – but obviously I’m not going to do that! I could make stupid jokes about Sean’s mum, but of course I wouldn’t dream of doing that.”
Aliens vs Predator: hands – on preview
The playable demo had been finished just nine days ago, so I could be sure of playing the very latest version. The available map had an ancient ruins/jungle theme, with the interior sections being rather dark. This was intentional, to help promote the horror – style atmosphere (which isn’t easy to maintain in a multiplayer experience).
Media Molecule talk to Critical Gamer (part two)
“There definitely will be more interactive music. Whether that’s standalone in a music only pack… I don’t know yet. We’ll see how the first music pack does first. We’d love to do that; as with everything we do we’ll listen to the community, and see how it goes.”
Rogue Warrior: hands – on preview
And what a view! I’m not talking about any technical wizardry, but the fact that I got a good look at my avatar. Not only did he have fantastic facial hair, he had a ponytail as well! What a combo!
New Super Mario Bros. At Eurogamer
From its humble barrel jumping capers through mushroom power-ups, raccoon suits, Yoshis to ride, metallic Marios and flying through space; and figured I’d seen it all. What could they really do to make me want to go back to playing with Mario?
Joe Danger: hands – on with Hello Games
Joe Danger is “the world’s most determined stuntman” – on a motorbike. What this means for us is a wide range of side scrolling race tracks of varying lengths, littered with things to jump over, crouch under, leap through, and crash into.
LittleBigPlanet PSP at Eurogamer
The main attraction on the PSP (for us at least) was the chance to get some hands-on time with the PSP version of LittleBigPlanet, and before I say anything about the game I’d like to point out it was also my first hold of a PSP Go. Now, I have small hands and have always been comfortable holding smaller gadgets, but the Go seemed too small even for my girly sized digits! In its defence though I should point out it was attached to a table via a tether-wire, which meant I was playing tug-of-war whilst trying to play.
Media Molecule talk to Critical Gamer (part one)
Media Molecule were at the Eurogamer Expo for one day only, which just happened to be the one and only day we were there too. Resisting the temptation to fall down and cry “We’re not worthy!” in a Wayne’s World stylee, we kept what little dignity we had. I’m sure Media Molecule felt the same.
Avatar: 3DTV hands – on preview
You don’t feel that the characters are going to reach out and touch you – but you certainly feel as though you could reach into the TV and pull out a handful of grass from the lush jungle environment.