Monday, January 18, 2010

Grumpy Gurevitz: Why I fear the one box solution

January 13, 2010 by Steven G  
Filed under Articles, Features

Recently there has been a spate of predictions that we will soon see the end of the console war, with us being presented with a platform which either supports multiple operating systems, or which is an open platform. The argument is, eventually all publishers and developers will support this as their primary development platform. The other method by which the prediction might come true is that we also might still end up using different platforms, but via a a control box which then accesses the games via the great server in the sky, otherwise known as Cloud computing.

Grumpy Gurevitz: Call to a New Console! Modern Stupidity

November 11, 2009 by Steven G  
Filed under Articles, Features

Buying a console is not as easy as it used to be, or as it should be.

In the old days we didn’t have backwards compatibility to worry about. Nor did we really have to worry about ‘content’ and save games as the consoles either didn’t offer it or it was a simple case of buying a cheap memory card.
