Grumpy Gurevitz: How to save a Seal.
Nintendo’s ‘seal of quality’ has traditionally been a badge, which reassured customers that software for their platform wouldn’t crash or damage their console. It was never meant to be a badge to guarantee the quality of the software. Yet, over the years, due to the large volume of quality titles that were released on Nintendo systems, it developed a following for meaning just that.
Congo war minerals in your console: Here’s how to tell them ‘no more’.
Last week, I wrote an article regarding the connection between videogame consoles and computers, and the war in the Congo – more specifically, people’s reactions to an article in Kotaku on the subject. Now, I am able to offer you a chance to show that you care.
Tehra Dark Warrior: review
In a world full of massive trolls, armoured orcs and undead skeletons only one person can destroy these forces and bring peace back to the realm. Applicants need not apply if they are unprepared to wear very, very small bikinis.
E3: Puzzle Agent Preview
The mission of Puzzle Agent is to unravel the story of Scoggins, Minnesota, a small town featuring a very Twin Peaks style weirdness – plus Telltale’s traditional comedic beats and timings. You might never find yourself laughing out loud but at the very least, you’ll find yourself consistently entertained.
An App Adventure
I’m an App virgin, which is not to say that I am completely oblivious to the kind of applications available to Apple iPhones, iTouches, iPads, iPencils, iLawnmowers and iRan-out-of-dears, but that as far as hands-on time goes, prior to about two weeks ago I had none.
Apple add Xbox Live style features to iPhone
April 8, 2010 by Kevin M
Filed under Critical News, iPhone
Apple have just unveiled their new OS 4.0 for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. In amongst the features like the addition of multi-tasking, and the ability to group Apps into folders, they have announced GameCenter. This new feature adds Xbox Live or PSN style features to the handheld devices, with the addition of friends lists, achievements, leaderboards, and multiplayer invites.
Assassin’s Creed 2 Multiplayer Infiltrates App Store For Free
March 2, 2010 by Alex F
Filed under Critical News, iPhone
Ubisoft announces Assassin’s Creed 2: Multiplayer is available for download right now, for free in its first 48 hours.
Street Fighter 4 iPhone Facts
February 28, 2010 by Alex F
Filed under Critical News, iPhone
iPhone Street Fighter 4 facts and info on everyones favorite fighting franchise.
Draw Parking Hits Apple App Store
February 21, 2010 by Alex F
Filed under Critical News, iPhone
Konami Digital Entertainment releases Draw Parking for iPhone/Touch on Apple App Store.
Hellkid: review
Imagine being a kid and stuck in hell, what would you do for fun? Collect lost souls obviously, like catching bugs but a bit more sinister.