Naughty Bear: review
July 5, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Latest Reviews, PS3, Xbox 360
Naughty Bear wasn’t invited to Daddles’ birthday party, in fact, Naughty Bear doesn’t get invited to much. Let’s see how he handles it.
Lego Harry Potter Years 1 – 4: review
In theory at least, the phrase ‘Lego Harry Potter Videogame’ is to children what the phrase ‘Excruciatingly Detailed Violated Childhood’ is to book publishers. Regardless of quality there are masses of people ready to pounce on it cash in hand, and the sales have already reflected this. Doubtless aware of this fact, have Traveller’s Tales tried to give the fans a decent game for their money?
Joe Danger: review
June 18, 2010 by Luke K
Filed under Critical Hits!, Latest Reviews, PS3, PSN, Reviews
Joe himself, despite looking like a young Bruce Forsyth (as seen playing a knife wielding killer in Bedknobs & Broomsticks – seriously, go look) is a stuntman looking to make a career comeback. This is an excuse for dozens of bitesized levels where you drive from left to right on a bike, collecting items while you jump and perform stunts on the way to the finish line. The phrase ‘easy to learn, difficult to master’ may be seen and heard more than the phrase ‘I hate James Blunt’, but it’s perfectly appropriate here.
UFC Undisputed 2010: review
The Ultimate Fighting Championship mixed martial arts sport is an up and comer gaining quite a fan base in recent years. This was cemented by last year’s UFC Undisputed release from THQ. Following in the footsteps of football and wrestling games, a new year apparently warrants a new game.
Heroes of Newerth: review
May 21, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Latest Reviews, PC, Reviews
Saying that Heroes of Newerth has been built for a hardcore audience is a bit of an understatement. The game itself was in open beta for quite some time and it has built on the roots of a Warcraft 3 scenario called Defence of the Ancients.
Alan Wake: review
May 17, 2010 by Ian D
Filed under Critical Hits!, Latest Reviews, Microsoft, Reviews, Xbox 360
It’s been a tough old ride for Alan Wake, having first been revealed at the E3 show of 2005 and originally being slated as a PC title. Mimicking events within the game, earlier this year it vanished under slightly vague and mysterious circumstances only to be found stumbling out a dark wood a few weeks later as an Xbox360 exclusive mumbling something about PC intimacy.
The Settlers 7 – Paths to a Kingdom: review
April 28, 2010 by Kevin M
Filed under Latest Reviews, PC, Reviews
The Settlers series of games have been around since the age of the Amiga in 1993. The strategy saga was conceived by Blue Byte Software, and was a technical marvel at the time, with the original game possessing a population of 64,000 characters all behaving of their own accord. Here now is the seventh iteration of the series, which is again developed by Blue Byte Software. Is this new game King of the genre, or is it more akin to a humble serf?
Splinter Cell Conviction: review
April 20, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical Hits!, Latest Reviews, PC, PS3, Reviews, Xbox 360
Brutality is something that a lot of games characters can be quite keen to show off in cut scenes, but when it comes down to gameplay the end result is often just a simple case of point and click shooting adventures. This is definitely not the case with Splinter Cell Conviction, with the mysteriously un-aged Sam Fisher being the very definition of brutal.
Metro 2033: review
In spite of some embarrassing AI (soldiers run from cover to cover like chickens with their head cut off), Metro 2033 stands alongside games like Bioshock, Fallout 3, and Far Cry 2 in how it crafts an immersive, rich world.
Star Trek: Online Review
Star Trek: Online boldy bores at least one Critical Gamer.