Nier: catchup review
Nier is a strange, flawed, and fascinating game. It’s an action-RPG that could only come from Japan – with strange characters (a talking book and a girl whose bare ass is almost always in sight), some heavy melodrama, and the kind of slow burn that’s becoming ubiquitous with games from Square Enix.
Ni No Kuni PlayStation 3 trailer
June 25, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, PS3
Professor Layton developer, Level 5 and popular Japanese animator, Studio Ghibli have released a trailer for the recently announced PS3 version of their RPG Ni No Kuni, and it looks fantastic.
Two Warhammer 40,000 games shown off at E3
June 17, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News
THQ took E3 to show off two new games based on Warhammer 40k that are already looking deliciously violent, and set to capture the feel of the universe brilliantly.
Arcania: Gothic 4 interview
CG: Why should we be looking forward to this game?
Because ArcaniA is set in a rich and deep fantasy atmosphere with a unique and involving storyline, the world is open and full of interesting characters. We have fantastic cinematics and strong, unique characters. ArcaniA invites you into a massive universe, full of violence, adventures, friends and foes. The entire world is hand-made and rich in details. Did we already mention that the graphics look awesome? No? They do!
Dungeon Explorer: review
PSN has seen a rise in games trying to make comebacks. Here we have a digital download re-release of the 2008 RPG Dungeon Explorer.
Mass Effect 2 Firewalker DLC coming out in March
February 27, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, PC, Xbox 360
Done everything in Mass Effect 2 and want a little bit more? Of course you have, it’s probably turned you in to the gaming equivalent of a drug addict thirsty for more. Well, lucky us then, as BioWare have just announced the Firewalker DLC pack due for release in late March.
Mass Effect 2 Deconstructed: Part Two
In the first part of this article we looked at some of the ways in which Mass Effect may have fallen flat or disappointed. But in part two we plan to set the record straight, Mass Effect 2 is a fantastic game brimming with good ideas and excellent writing. A few mistakes or missteps along the way don’t change that. As with the previous part of the article, this contains MAJOR SPOILERS, so please only proceed if you’re comfortable with that.
Mass Effect 2 Deconstructed: Part One
The first part of this article will look at the flaws that just about stop ME2 from reaching greatness, while the second part will focus on why it should remain a shining example of Biowares dedication to brilliant game design.
Mass Effect 2: review
Mass Effect 2 Is a science fiction blockbuster of a game almost from start to finish, with action sure to set your pulse pounding and character interaction that often transcends anything we’ve seen previously, especially in terms of interactivity. Despite everything that’s right with the game, there are still a few issues we hope to see perfected for the third and final game of the trilogy.
Aion: The Tower of Eternity: review
January 21, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Latest Reviews, PC, Reviews
Aion, NCsoft’s latest MMO filled with swords, magic and angelic wing related combat. Does it fly high and touch the stars or get too close to the sun and drop from the sky in a burning ball of failure?