Console Gamer till I die?
The first thing I’d like to do in this article is shamelessly plug the recently launched CG forum, which you can find at or by clicking the ‘forum’ link at the top of the page. There is a reason; this was originally going to be a post in said forum, until I realised I had too much that I wanted to say (as is, unfortunately for those that know me, so often the case). The second thing I’d like to do here is mention what I originally said in the forum, which has led to this article. Sadly for me, telling you this will have the side effect of making you hate me. Are you ready?
I really liked Deus Ex: Invisible War.
The Devil’s Playhouse (episode four): review
The episode starts out promisingly enough, with a great take on the stereotypical zombie movie siege scene. A most welcome bonus is that, for the first time in this season, the top quality jokes start a – comin’ right from the off. In fact, top quality jokes are to be found throughout the three hours or so you’ll spend playing. As with all well written adventures, we found ourselves purposefully leaving any sensible or logical – looking dialogue choice that might advance the plot until last, in order to fully explore the script. Much like the inane conversations we tend to conduct with family and friends, in fact.
The Devil’s Playhouse (episode three): review
The latest season of Sam & Max is now in full swing with this, episode 3, marking the halfway point. It’s been a triumphant return for the dysfunctional duo so far – can Telltale Games keep it up?
The Devil’s Playhouse (episode two): review
May 28, 2010 by Luke K
Filed under Critical Hits!, Latest Reviews, PC, PS3, PSN, Reviews
The latest season of Sam & Max got off to a good start with ‘The Penal Zone’ (ahem). The quality of episodic games can vary wildly however, and Telltale Games have often been afflicted with this problem themselves. So does The Tomb Of Sammunmak grab onto one of Max’s lucky rabbit feet, or does it smell like dog’s… dinner?
The Devil’s Playhouse (episode one): review
The original Sam & Max game was a hilarious and addictive point and click adventure, and if you didn’t already know that, shame on you. Telltale Games resurrected the dysfunctional duo in much the same way as they have with Monkey Island, and this is actually the third season of the new Sam & Max games. This first episode is titled The Penal Zone and yes, it is the subject of a joke or two.
Telltale Games interview
“We love story based adventure games. We have no intentions of abandoning that, but that also doesn’t meant that we won’t try to branch out every now and again.”