Red Dead Redemption dev staff layoffs
July 16, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, PS3, Xbox 360
Rockstar San Diego, the team that brought us the western smash hit Red Dead Redemption, has announced that they have cut “about” 40 employees from the dev team.
E3: Conduit 2 Preview
Critical Gamer gets hands on with Conduit 2. Yes, they dropped the word “The” from their title. Seems weird. Oh, yeah. This was at E3.
Rockstar announce more DLC for Red Dead Redemption
Rockstar has revealed its intentions for future DLC in their hit western horse ‘em up Red Dead Redemption, following on from the free Outlaws to the End pack released last month.
Bad Company 2 Onslaught DLC on Xbox Live tomorrow
June 23, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, Xbox 360, Xbox Live
The Onslaught mode DLC for Battlefield: Bad Company 2 will be coming to Xbox Live tomorrow, June 24, as announced on the Battlefield blog by the new Community Manager, Bazajaytee.
Red Dead Redemption: Outlaws to the End free DLC released
You can never have too many revolver duels, horse chases or carriage heists and thankfully, Rockstar knows this, as they have just released the Outlaws to the End DLC pack for Red Dead Redemption.
E3: Ghost Recon Future Soldier Preview
Future Soldier looks to be another standup title in a strong year for Ubisoft.
Critical Talk: The first Critical Gamer podcast has landed!
We thought that there weren’t nearly enough podcasts on the internet, so we’ve started our own. Hurrah! In this, our very first podcast:
* Shake your fists! As you agree or disagree with the Modern Warfare 2 vs Bad Company 2 opinions within.
* Nod your head sagely! As three of us have our say on the prospect of PlayStation Move and Natal.
* Get Excited! As we discuss LittleBigPlanet 2.
* Scratch your head in confusion! As you hear how the British will overthrow their government via the sale of biscuits.
Critical Talk is hosted, edited, and produced by Steven (who also wrote the intro music). He is joined here by Michael and Anthony.
Killzone 3 details are out
May 22, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, PS3, Sony
Futuristic warzone shooter Killzone looks like it is getting another sequel with some juicy information on the third out in the latest issue of Gamepro.
Booster Trooper: review
May 11, 2010 by Snezana N
Filed under Latest Reviews, PC, Reviews
The jet-pack adds extra fun to the mix. Dodging enemies has never been so stylish; and neither has shooting rockets. Hitting a bot (or a human player) in the face with a missile is even harder when jet-packing, but more satisfying when you succeed. The jet-pack adds tremendous speed to the game, which can either leave you dead in a second or help you pull off a massive killing spree within those same seconds.
Lead and Gold: review
The Wild West is often perceived as a fairly barren place when the bandits have rolled into town, full of fastest finger shootouts and indiscriminate, guilt free murder. This feeling has been rather accurately transferred over into Fatshark’s western inspired online shooter, Lead & Gold.