Nier: catchup review
Nier is a strange, flawed, and fascinating game. It’s an action-RPG that could only come from Japan – with strange characters (a talking book and a girl whose bare ass is almost always in sight), some heavy melodrama, and the kind of slow burn that’s becoming ubiquitous with games from Square Enix.
Square Enix to reveal Valkyrie Profile sequel and more at E3
April 10, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, Xbox 360
As the hype for E3 starts to bubble underneath the tensed skin of the videogames world, Go Fanboy is reporting that Square Enix are set to announce two new Xbox 360 titles that will bring a tear of nostalgia to the eyes of many.
Final Fantasy XIII: review
March 26, 2010 by Joe D
Filed under Latest Reviews, Reviews
Square’s latest is an unfinished experiment, and the players are the unwitting guinea pigs. The game begins at a constipated pace, finally passing its first nugget of entertainment at about a dozen hours in. Those willing to subject themselves to such abuse will find pockets of brilliance in a product brimming with half-baked ideas.
Final Fantasy XIII: massive screen tearing for PS3 SDTV gamers
March 11, 2010 by Luke K
Filed under Critical News, PS3, Sony
We have tested the issue ourselves, and found that it is indeed present when playing the game in standard definition on both HDTVs and SDTVs. We can also confirm that this only applies to the PS3 version of the game; massive screen tearing is not present in the Xbox 360 version, in either high or low definition.
Just Cause 2: demo impressions
Square Enix recently released a massive Just Cause 2 demo that contains 30 minutes of over the top explosions and mental stunts. Is it worth half an hour of your time though?
Do we really want a Final Fantasy VII Remake?
Final Fantasy VII was the defining moment in an important time for gaming. The PlayStation was breaking down barriers and appealing to a far wider audience than previous home consoles, and FF7 was the high profile, AAA title that the platform needed.
Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days debut trailer
December 16, 2009 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, PC, PS3, Xbox 360
Partners in violence and various criminal doings, Kane and Lynch are returning for their second outing sometime next year, and here’s a new trailer giving us our first real look at it.
Arkham Asylum sequel announced
December 13, 2009 by Michael J
Filed under Critical News
At last nights VGA’s the sequel to this years excellent Batman: Arkham Asylum was announced. You can view the teaser trailer above, which shows a rather ill looking Joker celebrating the news.
New Final Fantasy XIII advert
December 7, 2009 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News
If you like short bursts of condensed action filled with robots, cars and swords, then this very brief 15 second advert for Final Fantasy XIII might interest you.
Just Cause 2 release date announced
November 25, 2009 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News
Just Cause 2 has finally been given the release date of the 26 March 2010 in Europe, the Middle East and Australasia, three days after the American release.