‘Perils of Summer’ Steam sale offers big savings
June 25, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News, PC
In the spirit of summer and spending plenty of money, Steam has started what appears to be a completely mental sale, filled to the brim with savings on so many games, there is bound to be something you want.
Critical Gamer and E3 2010
June 9, 2010 by Adam R.
Filed under Critical News
Critical Gamer breaks E3 silence.
Steam: A Cynical View
While not attempting to broadcast it on a global scale, I also have not hidden my dislike for Steam. Dislike probably isn’t a strong enough word, but it’s the best I can hope for with my editor metaphorically staring over my shoulder with a Scottish slang booklet in one hand and a guide to Japanese cursing in the other in case I try to get creative.
Steam Powered Macs
May 13, 2010 by Kevin M
Filed under Critical News
Great news for Apple Mac owners, Valve have just released the download gaming service Steam for the platform. There are initially 63 games to download, including World of Goo, Braid and Lucasarts Monkey Island series, and new games shall be getting released every Wednesday from now on.
Our Gaming Heritage
Do you remember a world before Halo, younglings?
Booster Trooper: review
May 11, 2010 by Snezana N
Filed under Latest Reviews, PC, Reviews
The jet-pack adds extra fun to the mix. Dodging enemies has never been so stylish; and neither has shooting rockets. Hitting a bot (or a human player) in the face with a missile is even harder when jet-packing, but more satisfying when you succeed. The jet-pack adds tremendous speed to the game, which can either leave you dead in a second or help you pull off a massive killing spree within those same seconds.
Critical Gamer on Steam
March 25, 2010 by Michael J
Filed under Critical News
We here at Critical Gamer recently created our own Steam community group, so we can play games across the popular platform, keep in touch with each other and demonstrate our gaming prowess to the world! We’re now opening that up to our community, so if you’d like to join the group just follow this link [...]
Just Cause 2 Demo Date Announced
Square Enix London announces Just Cause 2 Demo.
Steam OS X’s Beans
February 25, 2010 by Adam R.
Filed under Critical News, PC
Steam MIGHT be heading to the Mac platform.
Aliens Vs Predator Demo arrives
February 4, 2010 by Michael J
Filed under Critical News
The demo for Rebellions new take on Aliens Vs Predator has appeared on Steam, with Xbox Live and PSN versions expected to follow later today.