Zombies to gather at Houses of Parliament
August 3, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News
Taking a good cause to Parliament’s door step is sure to get you noticed, especially if those you represent struggle to form syllables and find it hard to be motivated by anything other than a tasty moving target.
iHooy: review
December 10, 2009 by R.Furie
Filed under Latest Reviews, Reviews, iPhone
Brain-eating zombies getting you down? Send in the Crumpler!
Zombie RPG: DoubleBear interview
December 10, 2009 by Patrick G
Filed under Interviews, PC
“I’m not saying zombies aren’t fun to blow up, but I’d say there are very few games with zombies that actually embrace the setting.”
Undead Labs announces new console MMOZ
November 23, 2009 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News
Massively multiplayer online zombie game announced by newly founded games studio, Undead Labs.
Zombie Apocalypse: review
Many of us wonder how we will fare should the zombie apocalypse overrun the world. There are many fictional places where we can take inspiration from, but most of them assume you can get your hands on a gun or chainsaw. Thankfully, Zombie Apocalypse gives you both, and teddy bear zombie bait stuffed with explosives.