Our extensive interview with Media Molecule – part one of which is to be published tomorrow (Thursday), with part two going live on Monday – covers a variety of subjects. When it came to the future of the LittleBigPlanet franchise on the PS3, they were decidedly unambiguous.
“I think what you’ve seen so far from LittleBigPlanet, that’s the way it’s going to continue.” said producer Martin Lynagh, referring to DLC and updates for the existing game.
Level designer Danny Leaver said that a sequel would fragment the LBP community. “We’d never want to do that. That’d be the most counterproductive thing you could do I think.” he said.
Media Molecule have given what is surely the most dedicated post – launch community support in the history of video games, and such dismissal of a sequel should serve to reassure fans still further.

I agree 100%… its too bad these milked music games cant follow suit… With DLC on a weekly basis..the game becomes more dynamic..and “alive” what more than that would you want in a sequel.. it ticks me off seeing Rockband 1 and 2..Lego Rockband and all those Guitar Hero games..where the only major difference is the tracks and a slightly different skin..its just a way for a developer to milk the genre for all its [not] worth. I appreciate Mm for being able to see past this… Keep it up. A living game should not need a sequel.
Yeah, it is cool if more companies do this but you can only blame the companies who milk titles so much… if the consumers would stop supporting it then they wouldn’t do it… at least as much.
I also Agree 100%. I love that they continue to support this game in this way thru DLC. Certain Games like…
– LittleBigPlanet
– Sport Franchises such as NBA2K,NBA Live,Madden,NHL2K etc…etc…etc…
– Music Games such as Rockband & Guitar Hero Franchises
should just bring out DLC with Roster Changes, Music Track packs & added modes instead of bringing out a “supposedly” whole new game for another $60. Also if I had to pay $60 for a whole new music game those tracks that I bought as DLC should be completely transferable for free and not for a “Small one time Fee” and if they aren’t transferable you should be able to get a refund since most likely you won’t be playing Guitar Hero 2 anymore when you end up getting Guitar Hero 3.
liar liar
Where can I find the actual interview? Anybody got a link for me? Search string won’t find it for me. Thanks!
here is the link to part one https://criticalgamer.co.uk/2009/11/05/media-molecule-talk-to-critical-gamer-part-one/
and part two https://criticalgamer.co.uk/2009/11/09/media-molecule-talk-to-critical-gamer-part-two/hcm
Just wanted to drop a comment and say I am new to your blog and really like what I am reading. Thanks for the great content. Look forward to coming back for more.