Slashing us down the middle with a pointy glow stick, No More Heroes: Heroes’ Paradise has eagerly jumped out from round the corner with a brand new trailer dangling from its neck.
The game, formerly a Wii exclusive but now being ported to the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 is looking quite nice in the graphics department, as is to be expected by the high processing power of these two machines compared to Nintendo.
The trailer itself probably sets up the story very well if you can speak Japanese, otherwise it is mainly a lot of incomprehensible cutscenes with three seconds of gameplay footage towards the end.
No More Heroes generally hit critics quite favourably with all of its waggle about controls, but how will it translate to the HD consoles? You’ll have to wait a little bit in to 2010 to find out.

So want this game, glad it’s coming to the PS3