“All men dream, but not equally.”
Shut up. That doesn’t sound profound, it just sounds bloody stupid.
After squandering most of the trailer on Drake walking through the desert looking slightly constipated, Sony finally drop a few snatches of gameplay in there. What little we see suggests business as usual, but that’s (hopefully) no bad thing; the first Uncharted titles are two of the best games on the PS3.
You already know whether you’re going to buy it or not.

I know…
I will.
Im getting in early and am suggesting game of 2011……..
Normaly I’d laugh at such brass balls Steven, but you could be right. Naughty Dog really are doing a good job with ol’ Drakey boy, I just wish they had time to make another Jak & Dax.
First game was good, the second was absolutely outstanding, and is my favourite game on PS3 thus far. So I can’t wait to see where Naughty Dog take Drake next.