Bend over and take your pricing
To recap: if you complained about Modern Warfare 2′s pricing and paid so much as a single penny more than you usually would upon release, you’re stupid. If you complained about the PS3′s release price but still paid it, you’re stupid. If you’re complaining about the Xbox Live Gold price hikes but have already resigned yourself to paying them, you’re stupid. If none of this applies to you, don’t worry. I do not doubt for a second that I could find several examples in your purchase history that would emphatically prove to my satisfaction that you are stupid.
Critical Talk: The first Critical Gamer podcast has landed!
June 11, 2010 by Patrick G
Filed under Critical News, DS/DSi, Featured Articles, PC, PS3, PSP/PSPGo, Wii, Xbox 360
We thought that there weren’t nearly enough podcasts on the internet, so we’ve started our own. Hurrah! In this, our very first podcast:
* Shake your fists! As you agree or disagree with the Modern Warfare 2 vs Bad Company 2 opinions within.
* Nod your head sagely! As three of us have our say on the prospect of PlayStation Move and Natal.
* Get Excited! As we discuss LittleBigPlanet 2.
* Scratch your head in confusion! As you hear how the British will overthrow their government via the sale of biscuits.
Critical Talk is hosted, edited, and produced by Steven (who also wrote the intro music). He is joined here by Michael and Anthony.
Bungie and Activision sign 10 year deal
April 29, 2010 by Michael J
Filed under Critical News
Under-siege mega-publisher Activision must be feeling as though there is hope after all, as they announced today a 10 year publishing deal with Bungie, best known for the hugely successful Halo series.
Yet More Losses At Infinity Ward
April 27, 2010 by Ian D
Filed under Critical News, PS3, Xbox 360
In what continues to be one of the messiest break ups in gaming history, Activision’s Infinity Ward has seen more key staff members quit their jobs amidst continued cries of subterfuge on one side and unpaid dues on the other.
Fired Infinity Ward heads create new dev studio with EA
April 12, 2010 by Anthony H
Filed under Critical News
After taking a month or so out of work since they were kicked out of Infinity Ward by Activision’s security division, Jason West and Vince Zampella are back in the game, today announcing the formation of Respawn Entertainment, a development studio partnered with EA.
Michael Pachter weighs in on Activision/Infinity Ward dispute
March 5, 2010 by Michael J
Filed under Critical News
Speaking to Critical Gamer, high profile research analyst for Wedbush Morgan Securities Michael Pachter weighed in with his thoughts on the recent news surrounding Activision and the firing of Infinity Ward studio heads Vince Zampella and Jason West .
Not so Modern Warfare
March 5, 2010 by Kevin M
Filed under Articles, Featured Articles
With the recent sackings at Infinity Ward, and the worrying press release that three new Call of Duty games are being developed, and that Activision are looking at “new digital business models” (subscriptions?) for the franchise, the question is where does the money making war machine go from here?
Grumpy Gurevitz: Overload!
March 3, 2010 by Steven G
Filed under Featured Articles
2009 according to many, was a light year when it came to ‘big’ and quality releases. This perception is mainly due to the latter half of the year being dominated by Modern Warfare 2. However the rest of the year was alive with interesting, high quality and fun titles for all the platforms.
Grumpy Gurevitz: How Long?
February 5, 2010 by Steven G
Filed under Articles, Featured Articles
How many hours a week do you put into gaming, and when doing so for how long is each period of gaming? I haven’t seen any stats, but I bet the average reader of this wonderful site is 20+ and so is either in or about to enter the world of work, relationships and possibly kids.
Where Are Our Celebrities?
January 25, 2010 by Luke K
Filed under Articles, Featured Articles
Members of a development team don’t have appeal for members of the public in general. People with a passion for gaming are often very interested in what these people have to say, particularly if it’s something about an as – yet unreleased game. People with only a casual interest in gaming however couldn’t care less what the developers have to say. They don’t know or care who they are.